April dates to celebrate begins with a new year – Assyrian New Year or Kha b-Nisan involves hours of festivities ahead of the growth of Spring.
On our cultural calendar, we also celebrate Chinese Language Day, Spanish Language Day and round out the month with International Dance Day and International Jazz Day. We hope you enjoy travelling the world with our April dates to celebrate.
Kha b-Nisan (Assyrian New Year)
1 April
Kha b-Nisan also known as Assyrian New Year celebrates the beginning of spring amongst Indigenous Assyrians. With celebrations including parades and parties, communities come together in harmony and practise traditions that have been maintained for centuries. With traditional costumes and dances, families enjoy celebrations for hours and hours. The coming of spring symbolises growth, development and positivity for the new year to come.
2 April to 1 May
Being the most sacred month in the Islamic faith, Ramadan symbolises the cleansing of the heart and mind. Following the Islamic lunar calendar, Ramadan signifies one of the 5 pillars in Islam. It represents the beginning of Quranic revelation to Prophet Muhammad. Muslims aim to be disciplined physically and spiritually by abstaining from food and water from sunrise to sunset. Appearing to be strenuous and burdensome, Muslims await the month of Ramadan with fervent anticipation. The month highlights the importance of not only fasting for physical purposes but to remove negative qualities in oneself and the intention to develop virtues of patience, generosity and overall goodness. Through connecting with Allah (God), Muslims end the month with an optimistic and content feeling and carry forward by implementing such favourable habits for the rest of the year.
Fan Dance Day
3 April
Fan Dance Day celebrates the long history of the traditional fan dance in Asia. With brightly coloured kimonos and fans, it acknowledges the important art form that has been around for centuries. Performances typically have live traditional music and are enjoyed by people from all around the world.
Our Chinese Fan Dance is a tremendous program where children have the opportunity to learn how to perform the traditional dance. With their own eye-catching and vibrant fans, students will have an experience like no other. This program is available in the New South Wales and Victoria.
Children’s Day (Hong Kong and Taiwan)
4 April
Celebrated in Hong Kong & Taiwan on the 4th of April, Children’s Day is a day filled with fun, enjoyment and laughter. It is a day that celebrates the beauty of children in our society and the innocence they bring to family’s lives. Childhood represents innocence and enjoyment and with big celebrations including presents, treats and games, children share the special day with their friends and family. This day also brings awareness to every child’s right to education. With innovative, intelligent and creative minds at such young ages, children are capable of achieving so much.
To challenge and push the minds of students, our martial art programs are a great way for students to learn the complexities of these sports. Our Cool Capoeira program combines acrobatics with traditional musical beats creating an engaging and immersive experience for students. Available in Western Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland, this program teaches discipline, dedication and persistence. Similarly, our Chinese Martial Arts Workshop in Victoria teaches the intricacies of Chinese Martial Arts and encourages active participation of all students. Students also have the opportunity of learning the basics of the spiritual components behind the art form. These programs foster skills of strength, perseverance and commitment, teaching children that they are capable of achieving anything they put their mind to.
International Day of Conscience
5 April
Established by the United Nations General Assembly, the International Day of Conscience promotes peaceful relations and recognition of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all irrespective of race, ethnicity, gender, language or religion. To have conscience is to be sincerely aware of one’s intentions and be conscious of morality at all times. Encouraging social interaction with people from different cultures, faiths and beliefs is essential in order to live in joy and peace with each other. Being in a state of peace isn’t merely the absence of conflict but the active engagement and enjoyment of diverse communities. The International Day of Conscience aims to educate our younger generations on the importance of supporting and advocating for the rights of all.
Our diversity analytics tool Diversity Atlas, is a comprehensive platform that assesses the demographic diversity within an organisation. With the awareness of incredible intersectionalities that exist in our world, our tool assesses the identities an organisation consists of in order to create a better representation in all industries. By discovering linguistic, cultural, gender differences, an organisation can then use such information to move forward in building a space which actively recognises, promotes and advocates for differences in the workplace.
Our Multicultural Day Program available in South Australia, Victoria, Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia is a comprehensive and engaging program that discovers languages, religions and history of various cultures. With an in depth discussion and interactive activities students of all ages participate and learn the importance of intercultural understanding. This program teaches students to be aware of the importance of learning about other cultures which will help in developing skills of empathy, compassion and respect.
International Day of Sport for Development and Peace
6 April
International Day of Sport for Development and Peace recognises the importance of emotional and physical wellbeing. It acknowledges the incredible contribution that sport has made for individuals all around the world, particularly during COVID-19. The pandemic has brought an overwhelming amount of anxiety and stress and physical activity has really reinforced the need for emotional balance. By promoting fairness, equality and inclusion through teamwork sport brings everyone together to have a bit of friendly competition.
Cultural Infusion offers highly interactive programs that promote spiritual, physical and emotional balance. With various workshops that not only include physical activity but also acknowledge traditions, students learn about long standing traditions in East Asian sports.
Our Chinese Martial Arts Workshop teaches the philosophy behind martial arts and the range of training methods that are used. Students will develop important skills such as dedication and perseverance through learning various techniques. This program is available in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria.

Let’s Kung Fu with Panda is a highly engaging program that consists of kung fu demonstrations, fan dance, ancient sword dance and Tai chi. In person workshops are available for students in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales and virtual for all other states.
Our Aboriginal Games program available in Victoria and Queensland is a highly interactive, physical activity-based program that has been developed to simulate hunting, fishing and gathering. Student will gain stronger cultural awareness through learning about early Aboriginal Australian life experiences and expand their cultural knowledge.
World Art Day
15 April
World Art Day promotes the creativity, curiosity and cultural diversity of fine arts. It celebrates the creative means in which humanity has expressed themselves. Through sharing history, experiences and stories, World Art Day acknowledges how art has transformed the world.
Cultural Infusion promotes the world of art through our vast range of programs that explore culture, art, storytelling, history and language. With programs available from kinder to Year 12, students of all ages can participate in our immersive and riveting programs.
Aboriginal Storytelling through Art is an incredibly interactive program that engages students to the world of Indigenous art. This program is available face to face in Victoria and New South Wales, and Virtual Delivery for all states. Through learning the meaning of traditional Indigenous art symbols, students gain understanding of how art was used as a means of communication in the history of Indigenous Peoples. Additionally, our Gundoo Dreaming program with Elder Gene Blow consists of a huge variety of activities, stories and dances for students to enjoy. Elder Gene Blow discusses his Aboriginal heritage and how that has shaped his character. With sit down dances, songs, stories students learn the significant history of Indigenous peoples. This program is available face to face in Queensland and Virtual Delivery for all states so no one misses out.
Easter Sunday
17 April
Easter Sunday commemorates the resurrection of Jesus according to the New Testament in the Christian belief. A popular tradition includes egg hunts for children where they find chocolate in their home or backyard. Easter has evolved into becoming a celebration enjoyed by not only Christian but also non-Christian. Lots of people join in the festivities and devour lots of chocolate while enjoying time to reunite with loved ones.
Zimbabwe’s National Day
18 April
Zimbabwe’s National Day symbolises a day of freedom, unity and strength. Overcoming a difficult journey to independence, the day represents happiness and pride for Zimbabweans. Zimbabwe is located in Southern Africa and has a rich culture to share. With renowned attractions and beautiful landscapes like Victoria Falls, it captures the natural wonders of the world.
With music playing a big role in Zimbabwean culture, Cultural Infusion offers a terrific program in Western Australia that discovers the beauty of the instrument Mbira. Mbira of Zimbabwe uses music, language and singing to explore the traditional instrument. Having been used for more than a thousand years, George Joe introduces its origins and history. With traditional songs in the Shona language, students participate in an immersive experience to learn about Zimbabwean culture.
Chinese Language Day
20 April
Chinese is recognised as one of the United Nations six official languages. With more than 1.3 billion Chinese speakers, the United Nations’ Chinese Language Day recognises and acknowledges the importance of the Chinese language. This date was established in 1946 and ever since has celebrated the linguistic diversity in the language. The Chinese language is a comprehensive system that has multiple characters, with each character having its own complex component. With multiple dialects, further sub-dialects and regional variations, Chinese is an incredibly diverse language.

Celebrating the rich Chinese culture, our Chinese Lantern Making & Calligraphy is an interactive workshop where students make paper lanterns in tribute to the Lantern Festival that takes place annually. Ting combines craft and calligraphy so students can gain a strong understanding of the artistic traditions in Chinese culture. This program is available in Victoria.
World Creativity and Innovation Day
21 April
World Creativity and Innovation Day highlights the importance of the creative arts industry to the sustainable development of our world. It brings awareness to the importance and need for artistic expression. Creativity leads to the emergence of new possibilities and solutions and without innovative ideas, the world cannot develop and progress as it needs to. The arts industry has allowed for the cultivation and development of many communities by presenting the diverse artistic fields of theatre, fashion, design and dance from all around the world.
Sharing the beautiful artistic design of umbrellas and dresses, our Chinese Classical Dance is a visually captivating performance that showcases the beauty of classical and contemporary Chinese dancing. Available in Western Australia, New South Wales, and Victoria, students have the opportunity to learn and enjoy the artistic dance styles and techniques. Similarly, our Bali in Motion program has colourful and vibrant costumes and dresses that showcase the tremendous artistic industry found in Bali. Students participate in Balinese cultural traditions with a combination of dance and music. This program is available in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, and Western Australia.
Spanish Language Day
23 April
Spanish Language Day celebrates and acknowledges the wonder, evolution and linguistic diversity of the Spanish language. Being the 4th most spoken language in the world and one of six official languages of the United Nations, Spanish has more than 500 million speakers all around the world.
Nations come together in solidarity including Argentina, Costa Rica, Cuba, Spain and more.
Not only is language merely a means of communication but through it, we discover ideas, experiences and beauty of other cultures.
In celebration of the rich Spanish culture our Folkloric to Flamenco program in Queensland shares the beauty of Flamenco music. This riveting musical program is also available for Spanish speaking students. With traditional Spanish songs and instruments, students are sure to be fully immersed in the Spanish language and culture. Similarly our

Fire of Flamenco program available in Victoria, South Australia, and Queensland is a beautiful, vibrant, interactive performance that shares the wonders of the traditional dance. Students will discover the expressive art form and the complexity involved in the traditional dance.
Orthodox Easter
24 April
Orthodox Easter, celebrated by Orthodox Christians, commemorates the resurrection of Jesus from the dead according to the New Testament. Symbolising the same as Sunday Easter, it is predominantly celebrated by Orthodox Christians from countries including Bulgaria, Macedonia, Russia, Romanian, Greece, Lebanon and more. Traditions include delicious meals, church services, eating chocolate, uniting families and friends on a special day.
International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace
24 April
International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace promotes global peace and tolerance in diplomatic relationships. This day reaffirms the principles and very foundation of United Nations which is to establish international peace and security. There are global problems that affect all international communities including climate change, migration and economic difficulties due to COVID. These issues require collective action and contribution. In order to achieve international peace amongst all communities a greater intercultural understanding is needed and by implementing solutions that secure safety and respect for all, we can guarantee a productive society for the future generations
At Cultural Infusion we understand and acknowledge the importance of intercultural understanding. With this being our very foundation, all our programs are underpinned by the aim to provide diverse, educational and engaging workshops for students of all ages. Our popular Multicultural Day Program takes students on a global journey to discover a continent in great depth. With extensive focus on the language, history, food and culture of a chosen continent, students recognise the importance of diversifying their knowledge and experience as young individuals. This program is available in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.
International Dance Day
29 April
International Dance Day celebrates the significance and importance of dance as an art from. With its main partner of the performing arts being UNESCO, International Dance Day recognises the value of dance to societies as it symbolises a means of artistic expression. With its value being often undermined, this day creates an awareness of the world of choreography and dance and encourages a global celebration of the fine arts. Through captivating performances, the artistic diversity of the world is enjoyed with performances representing a great deal of cultures.
Cultural Infusion has a vast range of programs that share the joy of East Asian, South East Asian, European dance and more!
Available in Victoria, our Multicultural Moves program takes students on a journey across the world. From Jamaican Dance Hall to Hip Hop, children are sure to be immersed in a highly interactive workshop.
Cultural Infusion offers various programs that explore the rich history of Chinese dances.
Students of all ages are sure to enjoy our highly immersive programs. With our kindergarten program Little Lion Dance available in Western Australia and New South Wales students discover the symbolism associated with lion dancing in East Asian culture.

Chinese Lion Dance available in Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia. Additionally, our Chinese Classical Dance workshop available in New South Wales, Western Australia, Victoria and South Australia, shares the traditional folk dances across China. Students participate and learn the dance routines and perform with traditional and contemporary Chinese music.
Additionally, we have multiple programs discovering the rich culture, traditions and history of the Middle East. Our popular belly dancing programs teach children how to get their groove and rhythm through a high-energy program. Our Middle Eastern Belly Dance program is available in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia and virtually for all other states! Students discover dance styles to classical and modern music, from various Middle Eastern countries.
International Jazz Day
30 April
Uniting teachers, musicians, communities, International Jazz Day shares the wonders of jazz music.
Originating from African American communities, jazz music has played a big role in expression of human experience. This day provides insight to the evolution, history and practice of jazz music around the world. Through upbeat melodies, a greater intercultural understanding is gained as International Jazz Day reinforces peace, cultural acceptance, harmony, respect and tolerance for all.
Our incredible Sound Infusion platform is a tremendous tool that helps students make their own musical compositions. With digital samples of instruments all around the world, students discover the traditional sounds of South America, Asia, Europe and more. Sound Infusion recognises the significance and power of inquiry based learning in order to cultivate creativity, innovation and curiosity in the minds of children.
That’s a wrap on our April dates to celebrate. Next month, we’ll take a look at May’s top events, including Cinco de Mayo, World Belly Dance Day and National Reconciliation Week in Australia.
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