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Nelson Mandela Day Melbourne Celebration

July 12, 2017
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Nelson Mandela devoted his life to fighting for social justice for all people, regardless of race, gender, and age. He remains a global figure today, whose legacy is democracy, racial equality, and reconciliation in South Africa and across the world. Nelson Mandela International Day falls on the 18th of July annually, and commemorates his great efforts and passion to create a harmonious society. People come together to celebrate not only the birthday of Mandela, but to encourage others to stand up to injustice and to fight for a better world.

It is important that we recognise Mandela’s efforts during his lifetime, and emulate the same passion and giving to our society today. He was not tempted by provocation, and continued to stay strong in spite of adverse circumstances. We can use his personal drive and story to guide us in leading better, more meaningful lives.

This year’s theme is “Action Against Poverty”,  encouraging us to get together and actively work to help those in need. Melbourne is participating in the celebration and encouraging others to help reverse the cycle of poverty. Cultural Infusion is proud to support this event alongside Freeza, helping music and art come to life.

The Melbourne celebration of Mandela Day is bringing out great music and dance performances which are sure to be a crowd stopper. Notable speakers throughout the day will inspire you to spread Mandela’s great legacy and the message of peace and love. The event will start at St. Pauls Cathedral with an interfaith service between 12 and 1pm. The afternoon will continue from 2pm until 6pm with music, art and people in a lively festival at Federation Square.

Cultural Infusion has been participating in events all over Australia for years, spreading the message of cultural diversity. Partnering up with local, state and national government departments and agencies, and other organisations, we used art, music and dance to showcase the vibrant and rich cultures that are part of the fabric of modern day Australia.

We support spreading positive messages by assimilating the use of the arts to help great causes gain traction. Mandela Day is one of many events that we help bring to life. Learn more about our event services or contact us to discuss your event management requirements.

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