There are many exciting November dates to celebrate including Diwali, the Indian Festival of Lights celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and some Buddhists.
We have found that understanding, tolerance and peace are the common themes this month. International Day for Tolerance, World Olive Tree Day, World Kindness Day, International Philosophy Day and Armistice Day are a reflection of this. There is also an opportunity to raise awareness about global health challenges, by recognising World Diabetes Day.
Other important cultural and religious days this month include, International Day of Islamic Art and the Japanese celebration of Culture Day.
We hope you enjoy our November dates to celebrate.
4 November
Diwali, which translates to ‘Festival of Lights’ is one of the major annual Indian festivals and is celebrated over a period of five days by Hindus, Jains and Sikhs across the globe. It is a highly anticipated celebration and is renowned for its beautiful and bright illuminations which bring the community together, instilling friendship, hope and togetherness.
To join the festivities, students of all ages across Australia can participate in our Bollywood Infusion program which celebrates Indian culture through film, music and dance. Students will have the opportunity to learn dance routines and gain an appreciation for rich cultural symbols.
Additionally, for students in South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales we have a Classical Indian Dance program, where students will be able to experience an amazing performance. Afterwards, students will learn from the presenter by engaging in the deeper meanings behind the dance.
Culture Day
3 November
Each year on 3 November, people in Japan come together to celebrate Culture Day, a day dedicated to Japanese culture. It is a significant national event which promotes love of freedom and peace; key pillars of the Japanese constitution. Importantly, it is also the birthdate of Emperor Meiji, who ruled Japan from 1867-1912.
To honour the essence of this day, we have various immersive programs available that celebrate authentic Japanese culture.
For students in New South Wales, we have a vibrant Japanese Infusion program that wonderfully brings Japanese culture to life. The presenter engages with the students through the use of songs, games and storytelling and in the process, teaches children about Japanese traditions, customs, seasons and celebrations.

Students in Victoria can enjoy the pleasures of Japanese Calligraphy and Japanese Ink Painting. Junko is an experienced artist, teacher and calligrapher, who will teach students about traditional Japanese brush ink styles through her performances and workshop sessions. To explore the delicate art, students will have the opportunity to create their own pieces and will be in awe of the beautiful and profound landscapes that Junko creates.
Remembrance Day
11 November
Also known as Armistice Day, November 11th commemorates the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month when the guns on the Western Front fell silent, marking the end of the First World War. This was formalised by the signing of the Armistice, an agreement made between the Allied Powers and the Central Powers to end all military operations and hostilities. Remembrance Day is recognised by Australia and other allied countries including New Zealand, Canada and the United States. It is a day to reflect on the sacrifices made by the soldiers at war and is commonly facilitated by a minute of silence.
At Cultural Infusion, we believe that mutual understanding is an important stage of overcoming differences and achieving peace. Remembrance Day is emblematic of countries coming together and recognising that violence cannot be sustained.
This idea is relevant today as we are confronted with 21st century global conflicts, so it is important to remember that we are all bound by one common humanity and should strive for global harmony.
World Kindness Day
13 November
On World Kindness Day, we can all participate in efforts to make kindness the norm. This day encourages kind acts around the world.
In a world driven by globalisation, kindness can be hard to come by as the media can often portray biases, stereotypes and prejudices. At Cultural Infusion, we believe that in order to find kindness in our hearts for others, we need to be open to understand and appreciate those who may be different to us. Through intercultural awareness, we can break down barriers such as prejudice, and learn to embrace diversity.
Our platform Sound Infusion is the perfect way to instil an environment of openness through the uplifting effects of music. With thousands of digital samples from around the world to choose from, you can learn about diverse cultures and create your own globally-inspired music composition. The benefits of Sound Infusion are highlighted by UNESCO which speaks to the value of the arts in bringing intercultural understandings to light.
Through immersive experiences like those offered by Sound Infusion, you will learn to appreciate other cultures, and through this process, find kindness to give, not just on World Kindness Day, but everyday.
World Diabetes Day
14 November
On World Diabetes Day, we raise awareness about the global diabetes epidemic and encourage action to prevent diabetes and its complications. The theme for this day between 2021-2023 is Access to Diabetes Care. This is an important message which we stand by at Cultural Infusion as it speaks to inclusivity and equality and is contextualised by a common health challenge facing the international community.
On this day, we implore you to learn about diabetes and team up with others to support greater access to diabetes care for all those in need.
International Day for Tolerance
16 November
Marked by UNESCO in 1994, International Day for Tolerance commemorates the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi and raises awareness to the dangers that intolerance poses to society. The underlying theme of this day is promoting mutual understanding between cultures and peoples as well as appreciation for diversity. This is very aligned to what we do at Cultural Infusion as we raise intercultural awareness to promote understanding and ultimately, to build socially cohesive societies.
To work towards this mission and facilitate greater tolerance, our platform Diversity Atlas builds intercultural understanding through its data-driven approach which provides insights about the people that you work with. By gaining understanding about the diverse and unique backgrounds of people within your organisation, you will not only gain fresh perspectives and ideas, but profoundly appreciate those around you.
International Philosophy Day
17 November
Each year, on the third Thursday of November, we celebrate International Philosophy Day which underlines the importance of philosophy for the development of human thought, for each culture and each individual.
On this day, it is encouraged that we realise the ability of philosophy to transform societies as we know them. By employing critical thinking and creativity, we can build a more socially cohesive and harmonious society, whereby we are connected to one another through understanding and inclusion.
At Cultural Infusion, we have various platforms that facilitate critical thinking and celebrate philosophy. Our platform Sound Infusion enables users to learn about culture through the art of music. As you discover sounds from around the world and their origins, you can create your own layered piece of music which harmoniously synthesises diverse rhythms. By appreciating the richness and storytelling behind the music you explore, this experience teaches individuals to think more openly about culture.
International Day of Islamic Art
18 November
In 2019, UNESCO proclaimed this day to raise awareness to past and contemporary artistic expressions of Islam and the contribution of culture through Islamic Art to civilisation. It encourages worldwide appreciation for Islamic art in all its forms, such as glass, metalwork, pottery, jewellery and textiles.
These representations of Islamic art greatly influenced and formed part of the architectural style of the many lands of Islam with the tile and ceramic mosaics, intricate woodwork, stone and stucco carving and sumptuous hangings. The arts of Islam also feature calligraphy prominently throughout scrollwork, arabesques, geometric motifs and interlace patterns.
World Olive Tree Day
26 November
Proclaimed by UNESCO, World Olive Tree Day encourages the protection of the olive tree and the values that it embodies. Since ancient times, an olive tree symbolises peace, wisdom and harmony. You may have heard the expression ‘to extend an olive branch’ which speaks to the notion of reaching out to someone, whether that be to ask for peace or to connect.
At Cultural Infusion, we believe that culture can bring people together as long as we mutually understand each other. To celebrate World Olive Tree Day, we encourage you to connect with someone new; be kind and open-minded, learn about their diverse background and gain a fresh perspective.
We hope you enjoyed reading our November Dates to Celebrate. Tune in for our December celebration dates which will include Nobel Prize Day, International Migrants Day and who can forget – Christmas!
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