Peter Mousaferiadis
Peter Mousaferiadis is a thought leader in the space of culture, and of utilising culture as a driver of peace, sustainability, and innovation.
Peter began his career as a conductor, and has since conducted, directed and produced large scale international and intercultural productions for a range of clients including Parliament of World Religions, United Nations, and directed 9 Australia Day Concerts.
He is a winner of numerous international awards in interculturalism including the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Intercultural Innovation Award as well as producing the winning slogan “Diversified We Grow” for their “Do One Thing for Diversity” campaign. Peter is regularly called upon as a thought leader of culture as a driver of peace.
Peter Mousaferiadis has spent over three decades working in the cultural and creative industries. In 2002, he founded the internationally recognised organisation Cultural Infusion, which builds global harmony through intercultural action within education, ICT and the arts.
In 2002, Peter founded Cultural Infusion to foster an appreciation of cultural diversity throughout Australia and the world. Cultural Infusion’s education program “Discovering Diversity” is delivered to more than 350,000 students annually. By harnessing the capability of art, education, technology and multimedia, Cultural Infusion regularly delivers creative services, events, workshops, training courses, consulting services and has produced a range of digital acclaimed resources. In 2013, Sound Infusion which helps to discover diversity through creation of music was a winner of the United Nations Alliance of Civilization Intercultural Innovation Award.
In 2019, following 5 years of research and development, Peter launched Diversity Atlas a world first data analytics tool able to provide comprehensive insights into the extent and type of cultural and demographic dimensions of diversity. Diversity Atlas is now being used by think tanks and a range of multinationals to map their global workforce.
Peter is the Chair of the Lahore International Conference on Culture, a Global Trustee of United Religions Initiative, a Salzburg Global Fellow and was admitted to the Asia Peace Innovators Forum in 2020. In 2017, Peter was issued with the Peace Ambassador Award from the Center of Peace Studies (Sri Lanka).
In 2021, Peter was awarded the Global Business & Interfaith Peace Award Silver Medal from the Religious Freedom and Business Foundation and the United Nations Global Compact’s Business for Peace Initiative. The award recognises individuals for their contributions to peaceful and inclusive societies.
Peter lives by the motto: “I exist because of You, You exist because of Me, We exist because of each other”.
Peter Mousaferiadis is an internationally recognised thought leader of culture as a driver of peace and innovation. Before founding Cultural Infusion in 2002, Peter had an extensive career in the arts as a creative director, producer, artistic director, music director, composer and a champion of intercultural dialogue. He produced major intercultural productions for the United Nations, the Parliament of World Religions, and the United Religions Initiative.
In 2013, Peter produced the winning slogan of the United Nations Alliance of Civilisations’ Do One Thing For Diversity campaign, “Diversified We Grow”, which was presented at the World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Baku, Azerbaijan.
In 2014 Peter was elected as Global Trustee to the United Religions Initiative, and in 2015 was appointed an associate of Gary Bouma, UNESCO Chair for Intercultural and Interreligious Relations in the Asia-Pacific region.
Peter was appointed Chair of the Lahore International Conference on Culture in Pakistan in both 2016 and 2017. As of 2017, Cultural Infusion is a formal partner of the Australian National Commission for UNESCO.
News & thoughts

Culture as a driver of tolerance and peace

Cultural infusion CEO Peter Mousaferiadis SIETAR Congress 2020 Keynote Address – The Light in the Crack

Reflections on the Think20 (T20) Inception Conference – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

The role of culture in building tolerant societies: Peter Mousaferiadis