Here at Cultural Infusion, we strive to create new and engaging ways to help support diverse and marginalised communities. Our newest project, Inclusion Atlas, is an app designed to include everyone in conversations about accessibility and the experiential quality of public venues and shared spaces. In this blog post, we interview the newest addition to the Cultural Infusion family and Inclusion Atlas team, Lana Perello.
Hi Lana, can you introduce yourself to our readers?
My name is Lana Perello, I’m the new Projects and Partnerships Manager for Inclusion Atlas. I love people and I’m passionate about making my community a safer and better place to be in.
What is Inclusion Atlas?
Inclusion Atlas is an accessibility and inclusion platform which aims to ensure that every business, space and place is both aware and accommodating of every person’s individual needs and experiences.
Using user-generated content through our rating system means people can share their experiences by uploading photos and providing feedback. Review categories range from accessible parking to LGBTQIA+ friendly spaces, to changing table availability.
Where did the idea for this app come from?
The idea for this app was sparked by my predecessor Saman. As a wheelchair user himself, he found it was necessary for a tool like this to exist in his own life and found that nothing currently existed on the market that suited him and his specific needs.
You can read more about Saman’s experience in this Article.
Who is Inclusion Atlas for?
Everybody! Inclusion Atlas is for everybody because it’s been designed with every body in mind. It’s made to be Inclusive- it’s in the name.
Initially, it began as an app specifically built for people living with physical disabilities. We realised not all disabilities are physical or even visible, so we expanded from there. There is also more to being inclusive than just considering disability itself.
Inclusion Atlas is made for people with all kinds of physical, mental and personal considerations.
What sets Inclusion Atlas apart from other accessibility applications on the market?
Inclusion Atlas works based on your location and is functional worldwide. As I mentioned before, this is an app for all marginalised communities. We wanted to create something that supports accessibility for people with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, including those from diverse age groups, religious backgrounds and neurodiverse people.
What is Inclusion Atlas’ goal?
Our goal is and will always be to support more inclusive and accessible communities. Our project is founded on the belief that comfortable access to shared spaces and respectful dialogue is a human right and this can be built through user-generated content.
Is the app available and is it free?
You can get it in its beta version on the Apple App Store, the Google Play Store and is available as a web platform under the website www.inclusionatlas.io
For the user, it’s completely free and will always be free. We will never put a pay barrier in front of something that needs to be accessible and inclusive to all.
What’s in store for the future?
When we’re out of the beta version, we can widen the range of rating availabilities and considerations to support even more communities, including those with autoimmune disorders, food preferences, language needs and more.
We want Inclusion Atlas to be used within any space in everyday life, whether it be In restaurants, workplaces, universities and all other available public spaces.
The more user-generated content we have, the more user-generated inclusion we have.
How can our readers find out more about Inclusion Atlas?
Please feel free to reach out to me at my email [email protected], or contact me at +613 9412 6610. I’m always happy to give a tour of the app or answer any questions!
Inclusion Atlas is a platform dedicated to creating more inclusive and accessible communities. With its user-generated content and diverse range of review categories, it empowers individuals to share their experiences and navigate public spaces. The app is free to use, available worldwide and can be accessed on the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and website www.inclusionatlas.io. To find out more, reach out to Lana Perello at [email protected] or contact them at +613 9412 6610.
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