Hello friends! We are excited to share that our trailblazing holistic diversity data tool Diversity Atlas made business news around the world after securing $6 million (AUD) in funding. Help us spread the word about holistic data, book a Diversity Atlas demo, find out what else we’re up to and check out our regular calendar day feature for next month!
Table of Contents
Diversity Atlas

We made business news around the world after announcing a bridge funding round of $6 million (AUD) from Canadian funding platform Gener8 VC to support the commercial growth of our world-leading diversity data analytics platform Diversity Atlas. This boost will allow us to reach many more customers, helping us fulfil our mission to create global harmony through intercultural action, so keep an eye on this space!
Diversity Atlas is an incredibly versatile tool that provides insight into cultural and demographic diversity like no other, the only holistic tool of its kind on the market. Read this recently published article by our founder to learn about ‘Holistic Data and Its Role in Undoing Racism’.
Did you know we successfully ran Diversity Atlas in middle and secondary school classrooms around Melbourne many times during its beta phase? Students loved seeing the snapshot of their cultural composition, which the platform provides. Thank you to the teachers and schools that facilitated these visits.
There is no more relevant way to support the intercultural understanding components of the school curriculum than engaging students via their own cultural backgrounds and using this as a springboard for greater appreciation of the rich diversity within their own classroom, much of it usually hidden.
If you are curious about how to safely and securely map the diversity of your classroom or other sizeable group of people using disaggregated, anonymised and customisable data, book a demo today!
Session Select SXSW Sydney: Vote for Our Submission!

Help us help the world by switching more people onto holistic data!
Vote before 22 April for our SXSW Sydney 2024 panel, Holistic Data. Unlocking Cultural, Social and Economic Value Through Diversity Mapping, which you can find once you’ve registered by searching for ‘Holistic data’ and scrolling down, or by searching in the Culture, Society and Media category!
Voting deadline is 22 April, so vote now!
The more people who vote the more chance we have of participating at SXSW.
Polynesian Infusion

Last month, countless schools and other educational institutions celebrated Harmony Week with our presenters. Melbourne Polytechnic honoured the various cultures that enrich their campuses with an African drumming workshop at Epping and a Polynesian dance performance at Preston, among other activities, and sent us these joyous photos from the Preston event.
There has been a rush to take advantage of our offer of 3 months’ access to our cutting-edge curriculum-aligned resources, Learning Lands, still free with any booking of one or more programs.
The House of Wellness Gets Cultural

Check out Season 8, Episode 9 of Channel 7’s series The House of Wellness, featuring Wakka Wakka Elder Uncle Paul and renowned didgeridoo player/mindfulness expert Dean.
The message is: respectful engagement with Aboriginal cultures enhances wellbeing.
Corporate clients in Victoria can book Storytelling with Uncle Paul or a Didgeridoo Mindfulness Journey with Dean, and schools, early learning centres and community organisations in Victoria can book Aboriginal Infusion with Uncle Paul or Didgeridoo Mindfulness Journey with Dean.
April Events and Appearances

17 April Our Founder and CEO Peter Mousaferiadis spoke with Iryna Manukovska, Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer at JEVERA Software Solutions on the role of diversity and inclusion in startup success.
Calendar Spotlight: Africa Day, 25 May

Africa Day celebrates the cultural diversity of the African continent. Help celebrate this day with our brilliant presenters through our wide range of African cultural programs!
Rhythms and Instruments of West Africa is available in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia.
Egyptian Rhythms and Dance is available in the ACT.
Ethiopian Dance and Culture and Ticket to Cairo are available in Victoria.
Africa Meets the Middle East and Songs of Uganda are available in Queensland.
Mbira of Zimbabwe is available in Western Australia.
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