New Resources and Reflections
Our July 2023 Newsletter has new teacher resources, articles and talks to share with you all. We reckon there is something for everyone here.

New resources for teachers
Our Professional Development programs are now live on our Education and Experiences website! We’re passionate about providing teachers and educators with the resources they need for their Professional Development.
You can find more information on our curriculum-aligned resources here, which include live sessions, complimentary lesson plans and teacher resources.

Reflections from NAIDOC Week
During the month of July, the Education and Experiences team facilitated NAIDOC Week celebrations across Australia. From early childhood to corporate sessions, we are grateful to the presenters who shared their culture.
Some of the programs delivered included Aboriginal Symbolic Art with gum leaves and ochre, Aboriginal Games, Storytelling and Artefacts and Dance and Didgeridoo, to name a few. These sessions provide participants with an opportunity to engage in cultural activities and create an open and safe environment to engage in the stories, histories and knowledges of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Our programs sell out well in advance so book now to avoid missing out!
Click HERE to book early for next year.

Emotional Well-being International Conference 2023
Our Founder and CEO Peter Mousaferiadis delivered a ‘powerful talk and lesson in offering keynotes’ according to one attendant to the Emotional Well-Being Institute’s Emotional Well-being International Conference 2023.The conference was jointly organised by Emotional Well-Being Institute, Open University of Mauritius and Middlesex University.
Peter spoke about the mighty force culture is, how it can contribute to wellbeing and be a wellspring of inspiration, energy and renewal, but how it can also be a driver of conflict. Our humanity is entwined with culture and our collective wellbeing is predicated on our ability to manage this aspect well.
‘Cultural diversity is as important to our wellbeing as biodiversity. In other words, the time is ripe for us to move out of the present economic age and into a future cultural age, where the increased intermingling of people with vastly different worldviews, values, value systems, customs and beliefs proves to be a universal blessing rather than a diabolical curse.’

DEI and Wellbeing: A Winning Combination for A Thriving Workplace
Staying with the topic of wellbeing, our brilliant intern Naomi Fung, a double major in Psychology and Language Communication from the University of Hong Kong, contributed this piece on wellbeing in the workplace for the blog.
‘Imagine: being the only non-fluent English speaker in an English-speaking company. You can’t help but be silent during team meetings and your manager interprets your silence as rudeness and lack of cooperation and team spirit. How would that make you feel?’
Click HERE to read the full article.

‘The drivers of discrimination are fear and ignorance’
In this interview with the HR Leader, Peter discusses how DEI is not just about improved organisational innovation, creativity and bottom line, but also about creating a more culturally harmonious world.
“If they’ve got a workforce that’s happy, and they’ve got a workforce that’s engaged, and they’re not having to turn over that workforce every few months, not only is it going to improve the bottom line, the good that they do within the workforce will also resonate into the community.”
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