Hi! I’m Jane, I write a lot of stuff at Cultural Infusion and Diversity Atlas. And the last three International Women’s Days, I’ve been called on for a response to whichever way the zeitgeist was blowing. I’m mostly fine with this sort of thing – I write, edit, do graphic design, manage projects, put bookings through – that’s just the nature of my work here, and I do love it.
Before your normal, positive, girl-boss International Women’s Day content, I need to have a very brief word.
The spirit of IWD is great – we do need to raise awareness of so many issues women face. More than just our white feminist outrage points of the day – there are deeply intersectional issues, and I hope we pay tribute to these.
These are issues that need addressing all year long – bodily autonomy restrictions are getting worse in the US, access to education in developing nations is still problematic and in Australia, women are still disproportionately impacted by domestic and partner violence. Trans women are under constant attack. These are just a few of the crises faced by women world-wide.
Local celebrations of International Women’s Day have fundamental issues, too, that are perhaps not quite as dire or desperate as these human rights issues, but relate to how we, as the professional world, commemorate the day.
Across workplaces today, there are social media posts going up, morning teas organised, and speaking events scheduled – these are worthwhile efforts, certainly, but it is worth noting that much of the labour associated with IWD is assigned to women. Often, the day serves as additional labour on top of already full schedules.
That said, I believe very strongly in this particular post – we’ve asked women in our organisation to say some words about each other. It’s simple, and just about being kind to one another. The women at Cultural Infusion have a very strong, supportive community – one I’m proud to be a part of, one that is definitely worth celebrating, even if there are problematic elements to the day.
So this is what we think of each other:
Lana brings her own authentic enthusiasm, brightness and sense of fun to work. You’re bold but open-hearted, so being bold doesn’t make you intimidating. I admire your courageous and generous spirit.
– Catherine
Catherine is such a warm and friendly person, and she really makes a difference around here. I appreciate her positive attitude and the way she always greet us with a smile. She’s a real rockstar when it comes to writing. Her articles are always informative, interesting and fun to read, and I’m constantly learning something new from her. I just wanted to say thanks for being such a great colleague around me. Your kindness and caring personality really make the workplace feel like a family. You are the best!
– Nicole
Though I have not worked with her for long, Nicole is someone I already admire because of her amazing attention to detail and thoroughness in her work. She is someone who is great to work with, as well as just to have a conversation!
– Lana
Jane is a very humorous woman who’s wit often creates laughter during what would be an ordinary conversation. I just love that! I also admire her ability to be highly flexible and adapt to the different challenges that her job presents as well as her many and varied skills. Jane is also compassionate and understanding- I know I and others could rely on her for an ear to listen, if things got tough.
– Aph
If Cultural Infusion has a heart, it’s Aphrodite. She’s always there for anyone to talk to, about any situation, regardless of how much else she has going on. She’s always willing to learn new things, and works her absolute hardest, often in the background, to keep the business running.
– Jane
Liz is always kind, reliable, hard-working and has a can-do attitude when it comes to her work. I have absolutely loved working with Liz for the past year, she brings such a positive energy to the office, and we have developed a great friendship.
– Nicola
I am so grateful to work with Nicola as she is always there to lend a helping hand and offer support to anyone in the office even if she is already extremely busy. She is a great team leader who encourages and uplifts all of the girls and makes everyone feel welcome! Her dedication to work is inspiring and she sets a great example for everyone in the office. I admire how hard-working Nicola is and that she always puts her best foot forward. Nicola brings a very positive attitude to the office and is great at uplifting everyone in times of stress. She is a joy to be around, and work would not be the same without her.
– Liz
Lisa has quickly become my good friend at Cultural Infusion. Her sense of humour and quick wit brings laughter to the office every day. I admire her curiosity, passion for learning, sense of adventure and most notably, her kindness for others. Tu es la meilleure, Lisa!
– Tahlia
Tahlia is an amazing person, who always gives the best of herself. She’s generous and we can confide in her without judgment.
– Lisa
Madeline, I really enjoy talking to you as your openness makes you super easy to get along with. I enjoy your bubbly and friendly energy that makes me feel comfortable when I’m around you. It’s been really nice to get to know you.
– Laura
Laura is always reliable to work with and a great friend to chat with. She has been a great cultural ambassador for me, and I can always go to her with questions, whether it be about work, Australian culture, or anything else. I’m excited to see what the future holds for her!
– Madeline
I have to admit, despite my hesitance regarding many things related to IWD, having my inbox overflowing with this much genuine goodwill and positivity has been lovely. Happy International Women’s Day to all.
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