Australia Day Article, Herald Sun, January 22nd
This article by our CEO Peter Mousaferiadis featured in The Herald Sun newspaper on Sunday the 22nd of January, 2022. Peter draws on his experience directing and producing the Fed Square and Sidney Myer Music Bowl Australia Day concerts from 2004 to 2012 and argues the importance of Australia Day for all Australians. The day, however, is not without problems – to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the 26th of January is a date synonymous with genocide, a source of grief, not to be celebrated. Peter suggests that changing the date of Australia Day is a symbolic, but important, step towards reconciliation.
Check out the full article or download a copy below.
This article was sourced from: Mousaferadis, P., 2022. Divisive Australia Day needs new focus. Herald Sun, p.89.
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