The busiest calendar month for Cultural Infusion’s schools and education team, March dates to celebrate feature both Australia’s Harmony Week and the Internationally celebrated Cultural Diversity Week.
Schools and early learning centres across the country host dress up days, costume parades and multicultural workshops to showcase the variety of cultures that form our cultural melting pot.
In March dates to celebrate, you will also discover International Women’s Day, the Cherry Blossom Festival and India’s colourful and vibrant Holi Festival.
Maha Shivaratri
1 March
Celebrated on 1 March in 2022, Maha Shivaratri is a sacred festival honouring the Hindu god of Shiva. It is a day of remembrance in overcoming darkness and ignorance in the world. This celebration is about finding compassion out of emptiness. Through performances, meditation, and prayers at night individuals seek to find a spiritual awakening. It is a day that emphasises the need for holistic wellbeing including both spiritual and physical. Maha Shivaratri is most celebrated in India as it has the biggest Hindu population in the world.
Cultural Infusion recognises the importance of intercultural understanding in facilitating empathy and compassion for others. By facilitating programs holding great historical, social and cultural significance, Cultural Infusion promotes the need to discover the diversities of the world. We have various programs that showcase the rich culture of India through artistic forms of dance and music.

Bollywood Infusion shows the classical origins of dance and significance to Indian culture. While being accompanied with some Bollywood tunes students participate in a captivating experience.
Classical Indian Dance takes students on the journey of dance and music. Available in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, students are sure to be captivated with the colourful designs on traditional clothes and engaging dances.
Exploring the world of Indian music, our Indian Instrumental Infusion program shares the beauty of melodious instruments used in classical Indian music. Including the tabla and bansuri, students from Victoria and Queensland are able to participate in a riveting and musically uplifting program.
World Wildlife Day
3 March
World Wildlife Day highlights the significance of forest species and ecosystems to sustain environments and societies. In the past few decades, the world has seen an alarming rapid decline in our wildlife populations which is incredibly concerning. Our ecosystems and all species contribute an innumerable amount of benefits, protection and advantage to our world, and without it, humanity’s future will be endangered. The long term conservation of forests is highly important as well as adopting methods practised by Indigenous communities all around the world. This day signifies the role of forests and wildlife to the world and aims to educate younger generations of this great importance.
Our Hero Ladybirds of the Galapagos Islands program held in Victoria is an educational and thorough workshop that highlights the importance of a healthy ecosystem. Ecologist Carolina takes students on a scientific journey to discover what happens when an ecosystem is not balanced. With puppets and activities, students learn the basics of ecology through a highly entertaining and interactive program.
World Hearing Day
3 March
World Hearing Day raises awareness on hearing care and education on prevention of hearing loss. This global initiative highlights the importance of safety and shares the most common causes of deafness. In Australia, almost four million individuals have had some form of hearing loss. A growing number of children are developing hearing issues at ages earlier than ever before. With more services, programs, and information on hearing loss, we can better educate ourselves on how to support communities in prevention and treatment of deafness.
International Women’s Day
8 March
International Women’s Day is a day that recognises the incredible contribution that women have made in history. Working towards building spaces that increase visibility for women, this day acknowledges the achievements of women as they have been so often overlooked within history. International Women’s Day aims to form support and solidarity for women and reduce gender disparity by promoting gender equal spaces. By promoting and advocating for women with clear action-oriented goals we can work towards creating a more gender equal world today.
Supporting and advocating for female instructors, at Cultural Infusion we recognise and acknowledge the importance of women’s contribution to the world.
Exploring the history of women, our Iranian Voices program brings attention to the role of women in music. Presenting accounts of musicians, children discover the stories of female singers after the 1979 revolution in Iran. With the integration of Persian classical music, children are captivated by a rich historically connected performance that brings to life the beautiful musical voices of Iranian women. This program is available face to face in Victoria and virtual for all other states.

In Indonesian Infusion, discover the rich diversity of cultural practices in Indonesia. With face-to-face performances for New South Wales, Victorian, and Western Australian schools and virtual options for all other states, no student is left out. Our terrific presenters, helps students discover the language, dance styles, traditional dresses and other inspiring works of art of Indonesian culture.
Often females have remained in female-dominated environments such as education, nursing and aged care. Unfortunately, these professions are often undervalued which reduces the contribution that women have made to society. However, the world is beginning to steadily remove it’s gender barriers with more women earning leadership positions.
Our diversity analytics tool Diversity Atlas, maps diversity data for organisations. With a great emphasis not only on culture, language, ethnic background, but also gender, it highlights the importance of gender diversity in a workplace. With the usage of analytics, directors can develop strategic planning to reduce mutuality gaps. Diversity Atlas promotes the removal of tokenistic representations and provides the means to create an equitable space that is inclusive of women in the workforce.
14 March
Balinese New Year, also known as Nyepi or Day of Silence, is an important and significant day that symbolises the beginning of a new year. With restrictions on electricity, working, travelling and entertainment the streets become an empty but serene setting. This Hindu celebration is a day where wordly tasks stop and reflection, contemplation and introspection begin. Reviewing the past year and making higher expectations for oneself, many often seek forgiveness from people they have wronged in the past. Many days after there are various celebrations including parades and dances that take place in the local streets.

Bali in Motion is an immersive program that shares the rich culture of Bali through music and dance. Available in Western Australia and New South Wales, students learn about the various customs that have existed for centuries for example rice basket weaving, Cendrawasih dance and more. Learning the origins, symbolism and significance of Indonesian culture, students get an entire Balinese experience.
Cherry Blossom Festival
15 March
Cherry Blossom Festival celebrates the beautiful cherry blossom flower, typically found in Japan. Considered to be the national flower of Japan, the cherry blossom symbolises the temporary but beautiful nature of life. It’s not only celebrated in Japan but also other countries such as China, Korea, Taiwan and even the US. Ultimately, it’s a beautiful way to learn about Japanese culture and traditions.
Our Japanese Infusion program has a variety of interactive activities using puppets, songs, games and storytelling. Students learn the foundations of Japanese culture through an engaging and interactive performance. This program is available in New South Wales face to face and virtual for all other states. Our Japanese Calligraphy and Japanese Ink Painting programs are available in Victoria and explores traditional Japanese visual arts. Junko shares the beautiful art of brush and ink techniques, creating a unique cultural experience for all students.
Harmony Week
15 to 21 March
Harmony Week signifies a day to celebrate and acknowledge Australia’s diverse community. From 15 to 21 March, Australia unites to discover the various cultures that contribute to this nation. Within Harmony Week, Australia also celebrates Harmony Day on 21 March. Representing all cultures with delicious cuisine, engaging dances and beautiful music, families bring along children to enjoy the festivities.
Aligning with the Australian Curriculum’s Initiatives, Cultural Infusion prioritises building global harmony through intercultural action. By recognising similarities and differences between cultures, students are supported to maintain mutual respect and unity. With a combination of digital and live incursions exploring cultures from Iran, Indonesia, Uganda and much more, students are sure to be connected with our highly immersive performances.
Our renowned Multicultural Day Program available in all states, is just one example of many workshops that allows students to engage in discussion to understand the significance of multiculturalism in Australia. With an option of digital or live incursions students are sure to be engaged through the interactive activities. Developing crucial communicative skills in an intercultural context, students are able to gain insight into themselves and others.
Additionally, our Sound Infusion teaches principles of global harmony by fusing digital samples from around the world. With more than 5000 samples, lesson plans, instrument facts and more, children have a combined class of history, geography, language and music. Broadening their perspectives, creating discussion, diversifying their musical experience, all allow for students to be fully engaged whilst learning about culturally diverse music.
St Patrick’s Day
17 March
St Patrick’s Day is a cultural and religious celebration signifying the introduction of Christianity in Ireland by Saint Patrick. Mainly celebrated in Ireland, there are great festivities that take place with public parades, festivals, performances and activities for children. It is a day that celebrates Irish culture and heritage. St Patrick’s Day is commonly known to be associated with the colour green, thus adults and children get dressed up from head to toe in green outfits. These celebrations have spread around the world and have even found their way to Australia with parades and festivities taking place in Melbourne and Sydney.
Holi Festival
18 March
One of the biggest celebrations in India, known as Holi Festival, is an inviting and exciting time of the year. It has many names such as Festival of Love, Festival of Colours and Festival of Spring. Signifying overcoming evil through goodness, individuals reflect and mend broken relationships. It sparks a desire to change and continue living life through generosity, goodness and sincerity. Amidst the vivid colour fights, friends and family come together during the festive celebration to share love and happiness above all else.
International Francophonie Day
20 March
International Francophonie Day celebrates the French language and diverse Francophone culture. Through hundreds of millions of French speakers around the world, this day recognises the importance of language and culture in creating solidarity, unity and harmony within societies. As French speaking individuals come together, it is an opportunity to collectively consider common goals in order for humanity to thrive and succeed in the future.
At Cultural Infusion we offer several programs discovering French history, traditions, customers, language, music and more! Our Fairytale Puppetry Exploring Languages program is a wonderful introduction to the French language. With beautifully designed hand puppets, students rediscover classics including Jungle Book and Puss in Boots, in French! This performance is available in Victoria.
Les Chansons Françaises is an uplifting and melodious performance that shares the story of Pauline Maudy’s Parisienne childhood. Children will learn renowned French songs during the Yé-Yé era. With a combination of music and dance, students in Queensland will be immersed into French culture.

Mime Magnifique! engages theatrical performances using charades, magic tricks and comedy. Discovering France’s history through a humorous and entertaining performance, students will learn about the significance of the French artform of mime! Available in Victoria, students are sure to enjoy the fascinating skits and sketches performed.
Nowrouz New Year (Iran)
21 March
Nowruz marks the beginning of a new year. ‘Now’ meaning new and ‘ruz’ meaning day symbolises a new chapter. Also known as Iranian New Year or Persian New Year, Nowruz celebrates the end of winter and beginning of summer. With celebratory traditions including jumping over bonfires and lighting off firecrackers, the whole community comes to enjoy the festivities. Visiting family and friends and enjoying Persian sweets, it is a day filled with laughter, excitement and joy. Nowruz is not only celebrated in Iran but other regions too including Black Sea, Balkan, Western Asia and more.

Iranian Voices is a heartfelt and captivating program that showcases stories, history and culture of Iranian women and the diaspora population. Through the use of the melodious Kamancheh string instrument students discover the importance of this instrument as a means to tell powerful historical stories. This program is available in Victoria and through Virtual Delivery for all states.
United Nations Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
21 March
The United Nations Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination increases global awareness to fight against racial prejudice for all communities. Each and every human being has the right to be accepted and appreciated for their identity. This day promotes all minority backgrounds by acknowledging that history hasn’t always maintained an equitable space for all. This day promotes the need for greater intercultural awareness and understanding in order to build a tolerant and united global community where the rights of all humans are fulfilled.
Our Intercultural Citizenship Ambassador Program is a comprehensive program which acknowledges the importance of providing a holistic set of educational resources for students. In order to cultivate skills of intellect, empathy, leadership and compassion our children must learn about the importance of intercultural understanding. The contents of the program range from gaining public speaking skills, reflective thinking and mutual understanding.
Cultural Diversity Week
21 to 28 March
Cultural Diversity Week celebrates the incredible diversity of Victoria. With wonderful events in metropolitan and regional areas for everyone to join, the Victorian identity of multiculturalism really comes to life. Curious Conversations is a new government initiative that holds thought-provoking discussions addressing various topics. With themes ranging from workforce diversity, First Nations, refugee advocacy, justice, youth and more. It is a terrific opportunity for mature students to participate in important discourse and create constructive conversations in our society.
Our Multicultural Day Program available in all states, allows students to explore the world of multiculturalism. With digital and live incursions students discover the identity of Australia and how many diverse cultures there are. Learning and embracing other cultures will allow for students to feel better represented and take them on the journey of better intercultural understanding.
World Theatre Day
27 March
World Theatre Day is an international event that celebrates the artistic world of theatre. There are performances promoting a range of linguistic and cultural shows supported by UNESCO. Not only are theatre performances included, but also presentations and speeches from renowned individuals who share their stories in the artistic world. Everyone is welcome to enjoy an engaging, riveting yet informative experience.
Cultural Infusion offers various Commedia Dell’Arte performances where students view incredibly interactive and engaging theatrical performances. Commedia Clowning shares the wonders of Italian craftsmanship, language and culture for students in Victoria.

Man of a Million Faces offers a choice between a French- or Italian-inspired theatre workshop that will spark interest in culture, cuisine, language, landmarks and history through Commedia dell’arte, theatre magic, mime art, charades, puppetry and leather mask-making. Also available in Victoria, students are sure to be engrossed in the fascinating story.
International Trans Day of Visibility
31 March
International Trans Day of Visibility celebrates transgender individuals and raises awareness to the discrimination transgender communities often face. It is an annual international celebration of trans pride and recognises trans and gender diverse experiences and achievements. It is a day where stories are shared, conversations are initiated and experiences are told. To promote other options schools are beginning to consider gender-neutral options of school uniforms for students. Students are feeling more heard, understood and accepted with these new policies and left feeling assured that there is an option there for them.
That’s it for March’s dates to celebrate. Next month, you’ll discover even more reasons to party with April dates to celebrate featuring Fan Dance Day, World Art Day and Chinese Language Day.
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